Xbox – Deal of the Week KW 5

Major Nelson hat heute wieder die aktuellen Xbox und Xbox One Angebote aufgelistet.
Für Fans besonderer Titel, kann man ausnahmslos das Spiel Catherine empfehlen, dieses gibt es im Zeitraum des Angebots für 13,19 Euro! Wer seine Xbox 360 Spielesammlung aufstocken möchte, kann sich in der folgenden Liste einmal umschauen:
Xbox One
Content Title | Content Type | Discount % |
Crimson Dragon | Xbox One game | 20-25% |
Xbox 360
Content Title | Content Type | Discount % |
Final Exam | Arcade | 50% |
Contrast | Arcade | 50% |
RAW | Arcade | 50% |
Blood Knights | Arcade | 50% |
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds | Arcade | 50% |
Catherine | Games on Demand | 67% |
Moon Diver | Arcade | 50% |
EA Publisher Sale | ||
Need for Speed Rivals |
Games on Demand | 50% |
FIFA 14 | Games on Demand | 50% |
NHL 14 | Games on Demand | 50% |
Crysis 3 | Games on Demand | 63% |
Mass Effect 3: Citadel | Add-On | 50% |
Mass Effect 3: Alt Appearance Pk 1 | Add-On | 50% |
Mass Effect 3: Groundside Resistance Pack | Add-On | 50% |
Mass Effect: Genesis 2 | Add-On | 50% |
Battlefield 1943 | Arcade | 50% |
Skate 2 | Games on Demand | 67% |
Shank 2 | Arcade | 75% |
Dead Space | Games on Demand | 50% |
Crysis | Games on Demand | 50% |
Mirror’s Edge | Games on Demand | 67% |
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning | Games on Demand | 50% |
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – Teeth of Naros | Add-On | 50% |
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – The Legend of Dead Kel | Add-On | 50% |
Alice: Madness Returns | Games on Demand | 63% |
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