Xbox Angebote: Black Friday Sale

In den USA ist der Black Friday der beleibteste Tag um Schnäppchen zu machen und auch in Deutschland gewinnt dieser besondere Tag immer mehr an Bedeutung. Während Amazon zB. eine ganze Woche lang Schnäppchen anbietet, ziehen immer mehr Unternehmen aus dem Einzelhandel mit. Auch Microsoft hat einen Mega-Sale gestartet und bietet Xbox One und Xbox 360 Spiele zu stark reduzierten Preisen an. Die vollständigen Black-Friday Angebote gibt es hier:
Xbox One
Content Title | Content Type | Discount % |
Defense Grid 2 | Xbox One Game | 50% |
Strider | Xbox One Game | 50% |
Need for Speed Rivals: Complete Edition | Xbox One Game | 35% |
Peggle 2 | Xbox One Game | 60% |
EA Sports UFC | Xbox One Game | 67% |
NBA Live 15 | Xbox One Game | 45% |
Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition | Xbox One Game | 40% |
Angry Birds Star Wars | Xbox One Game | 75% |
Amazing Spider-Man 2 | Xbox One Game | 60% |
Rayman Legends | Xbox One Game | 50% |
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag | Xbox One Game | 30% |
Sniper Elite III | Xbox One Game | 40% |
Project Spark Champions Quest Play Bundle | Add-on | 40% |
Killer Instinct Ultra Edition Season 1 | Add-on | 50% |
Valiant Hearts: The Great War | Xbox One Game | 50% |
Forza Motorsport 5 Game of the Year Edition | Xbox One Game | 40% |
Forza Motorsport 5 Car pass | Add-on | 25% |
Warframe: 75 Platinum | Add-on | 33% |
Warframe: 170 Platinum | Add-on | 33% |
Warframe: 370 Platinum | Add-on | 33% |
Warframe: 1000 Platinum + Mod | Add-on | 33% |
Warframe: 2100 Platinum + Mod | Add-on | 33% |
Warframe: 3210 Platinum + Mod | Add-on | 33% |
Xbox 360
Content Title | Content Type | Discount % |
F1 2014 | Games on Demand | 33% |
Strider | Arcade | 50% |
DmC | Games on Demand | 67% |
Devil May Cry HD Collection | Games on Demand | 67% |
Resident Evil 4 | Games on Demand | 67% |
Bound By Flame | Games on Demand | 50% |
Contrast | Arcade | 60% |
Final Exam | Arcade | 50% |
Super Time Force | Arcade | 40% |
Slender: The Arrival | Arcade | 50% |
Sniper Elite III | Games on Demand | 40% |
Brothers | Arcade | 67% |
Titanfall Season Pass | Add-on | 75% |
Prototype 2 | Games on Demand | 75% |
Amazing Spiderman 2 | Games on Demand | 70% |
Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition | Games on Demand | 50% |
LA Noire | Games on Demand | 75% |
Red Dead Redemption | Games on Demand | 75% |
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag | Games on Demand | 33% |
Trials Fusion | Arcade | 50% |
Valiant Hearts | Arcade | 50% |
Persona 4 Arena | Games on Demand | 50% |
State of Decay | Arcade | 67% |
Magic 2015 | Arcade | 50% |
Gears of War 3 | Games on Demand | 75% |
Gears of War 2 | Games on Demand | 75% |
Gears of War | Games on Demand | 67% |
RAAM’s Shadow | Add-on | 66% |
Gears of War 3 Season Pass | Add-on | 75% |
Lancer Complete Launch Collection Skin | Add-on | 66% |
Launch Weapon Skin Collection | Add-on | 78% |
Battleblock Theater | Arcade | 50% |
Batman Arkham City | Games on Demand | 75% |
Injustice Gods Among Us | Games on Demand | 75% |
Skyrim | Games on Demand | 67% |
Ultra Street Fighter IV | Add-on | 33% |
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z | Games on Demand | 60% |
Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad | Arcade | 67% |
BULLETSTORM | Games on Demand | 85% |
Burnout Paradise | Games on Demand | 80% |
Crysis | Games on Demand | 85% |
Fight Night Champion | Games on Demand | 85% |
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning | Games on Demand | 85% |
Mirror’s Edge | Games on Demand | 80% |
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit | Games on Demand | 85% |
Skate | Games on Demand | 80% |
Skate 2 | Games on Demand | 80% |
Skate 3 | Games on Demand | 80% |
Hitman Absolution | Games on Demand | 75% |
Hitman HD Pack | Games on Demand | 80% |
Just Cause 2 | Games on Demand | 67% |
Borderlands | Games on Demand | 75% |
Borderlands 2 | Games on Demand | 75% |
SoulCalibur V | Games on Demand | 75% |
Bully | Games on Demand | 75% |
Midnight Club LA | Games on Demand | 75% |
Max Payne 3 | Games on Demand | 75% |
Max Payne 3 R* Pass | Add-on | 75% |
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