Microsoft Studios Sale bringt fette Rabatte

Microsoft hat mit der großen Xbox 360 Sale-Aktion gestartet und nette Rabatte im Gepäck. Schnäppchenjäger können mit Reduzierungen bist zu 90% jede Menge sparen!
Darunter befinden sich nennenswerte Titel wie Gears of War, Dragons Dogma, Resident Evil 5 oder die Arcade-Hits Castle Crashers und BattleBlock Theater.
Die Aktion läuft ab sofort bis zum 14.04.
Spieltitel | Art | Rabatt % |
Resident Evil 5 | Games on Demand | 67% |
Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen | Games on Demand | 63% |
Devil May Cry HD Collection | Games on Demand | 67% |
Remember Me | Games on Demand | 67% |
Sleeping Dogs | Games on Demand | 38% |
RIO | Games on Demand | 50% |
Spieltitel | Art | Rabatt % |
Castle Crashers | Arcade | 67% |
BattleBlock Theater | Arcade | 67% |
Charlie Murder | Arcade | 70% |
CastleStorm | Arcade | 70% |
Full House Poker | Arcade | 70% |
Perfect Dark | Arcade | 70% |
Fire Pro Wrestling | Arcade | 70% |
Iron Brigade | Arcade | 70% |
Wreckateer | Arcade | 90% |
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet | Arcade | 70% |
Home Run Stars | Arcade | 90% |
Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers | Arcade | 50% |
Gears of War 3 | Games on Demand | 67% |
Gears of War 2 | Games on Demand | 67% |
Gears of War | Games on Demand | 67% |
Gears of War 3 Season Pass | Add-On | 67% |
Alan Wake | Games on Demand | 75% |
The Gunstringer | Games on Demand | 75% |
Crackdown | Games on Demand | 67% |
Halo Wars | Games on Demand | 67% |
Halo Reach | Games on Demand | 67% |
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